Sento Yosei Yukikaze 2002

Animation Action Adventure Drama Sci-Fi

Thirty-three years ago, an alien force known as the "JAM" invaded Earth through a dimensional portal over Antarctica. Earth's forces managed to drive the JAM away to a distant planet ...

Tutti i titoli
  • JP: Sento Yosei Yukikaze Sento Yosei Yukikaze
  • CA: Yukikaze Yukikaze
  • IT: Yukikaze, la silfide del vento Yukikaze, la silfide del vento
  • JP: Battle Fairy Yukikaze Battle Fairy Yukikaze
  • JP: Fairy Air Force Fairy Air Force
  • US: Yukikaze Yukikaze
Data di rilascio 25 Aug 2002
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